What’s Next? You’re Hired! Dejected to Delighted.

Dejected to delighted. That sums-up the experience one talented mid-career professional had recently when she navigated a complicated career move.

Being the finalist who doesn’t get the job offer hit this client, hard. Thinking a new credential would give her a competitive advantage, she enrolled in a technical training and certification program. She then resumed her search, only to struggle to find the right job openings and move past the screening calls. Following-through on a referral from a friend, she started regular coaching calls and what she discovered was that coaching helped her find clarity about what she really wanted next in her career. She solidified that she wanted the right combination of a challenging role with plenty of opportunities to lead high impact, high profile projects. She was more comfortable with a blend of remote and on-site work, and an inclusive culture where she’d have lots of with opportunities to grow. Analyzing prior interviews helped her see the need to streamline her answers to questions, and keep her interviewers engaged. With practice, she became a strong storyteller, guided in what she wanted…and that changed everything. 

Weeks later, successful interviews led to competitive job offers and she narrowed her choices down to two. She imagines thriving in the role she chose because there’s a healthy amount of professional stretch to excel and the chance to apply her newly acquired tech skills with the with the flexibility to work remotely. A generous compensation package sealed the deal. In parallel, she is following through on a plan to relocate over a thousand miles, to her partner’s hometown. When she’s settled, she will be only a few miles away from her new company headquarters. How’s that for a coincidence?

Ready to discover What’s Next? in your career? Give coaching a try by booking an exploratory, no fee and no obligation session by phone, with me. Schedule the best time for you at www.calendly.com/NancyMcCabe Let’s coach soon and get a head start on the new job year. 


Inspired by a Swiss . . . Army Knife


When EXIT isn’t the only option